SCUBA Diving inherently involves risks including but not limited to: injury, illness and death, there are risks associated with: swimming, entering and exiting the water, falling on, struck by a boat, holding your breath, pre-existing health conditions, heart failure, over-exertion, panic, drowning, pressure related injuries, decompression illness, environmental and marine life injuries, equipment malfunctions, improper dive planning, or improper action of other divers or support personnel (including failure to rescue, recover, resuscitate, or provide emergency assistance).

We take safe diving very seriously and your instructor will conduct a risk assessment before selecting a suitable diving site, but it is impossible to eliminate all hazards and risks from adventure activities. Current, surge, waves, rocks and/or white water may be present in the wider area and medical conditions may result from not following training and instruction.

In the underwater environment you will be able to observe many different species of fish and other aquatic life but treat everything you encounter as wild and untamed. Potential serious harm can be caused by bites or stings.

During all water-based activity a dive flag will be displayed, but please ensure you also keep a look out for other boats, jet-skis or alike, as serious harm can be caused through impacts or by spinning propellers. 

Diving and alcohol or drugs (be they legal or illegal) do not mix - you will not be allowed to participate if you are in any way impaired 

Your instructor will provide a specific safety briefing before each dive.